Contoh Presentasi English Tentang "Space Shuttle"

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning everybody. First of all, I’d like to thank all of you for coming here today. I’d like to talk how to launch space shuttle?. I’ll start by explain what equipments can launch space shuttle and then explain the stages of launch space shuttle. Please, hold your thought and questions as I will give you the opportunity for question in question and answer session at end of my presentation.

Let’s start now the equipment space shuttle. What do you know guys the equipments can launch space shuttle? The equipments of space shuttle are orbiter, external tank, and solid rocket booster. Orbiter is a core part of the shuttle. Orbiter resembles an aircraft, inside there is a deck where the astronauts live and navigation equipment. The main engine was placed behind orbiter. Orbiter that returned to earth if the mission has been completed. External tank is fuel of the main engine. Solid rocket booster serve as driving force in the current space shuttle launches.
Now, How to launch space shuttle, First merger between orbiter, external tank, and solid rocket booster. second payload was moved to launch pad usually payload contains satellite and then space shuttle heading to the launch pad . After arriving at the launch pad, payload input in orbiter. Space Shuttle ready for launch. The main engine and solid rocket booster turn on and then take off 1, 2 ,3 space shuttle began to glide and fly high. At speed of more than 4800 km/hour solid rocket booster is release and fell in the ocean. External tank is released when entering a layer of the atmosphere and fell in ocean.

Finally space shuttle goes to orbit and does it mission example bring satellite or exploration month. after completion of the mission orbiter will return to earth. The landing of the space shuttle same like aircraft. Orbiter can be reused for next launch Let me quickly summarise the principal points. The equipments of space shuttle are orbiter, external tank and solid rocket booster. launch of space shuttle the main engine and solid rocket booster turn on and then take off. When entering a layer of the atmosphere the external tank is released but solid rockets booster is released at speed of more than 4800 km/hour. Finally space shuttle goes to orbit and does it mission. All elements must be in check for no explosion and I hope the Indonesian people could go into space for any mission.
Now, if you have any question? Thank very much for taking the time to listen this presentation.
